Please excuse my unabashed idol-worship of the guy.

Mohit Saggar is one of the reasons that had me watching Roadies 8 - Shortcut to Hell on MTV India.

Mohit Saggar is one of the reasons that had me watching Roadies 8 - Shortcut to Hell on MTV India.
For me Mohit is a true Roadie. He simply rocks!
Be it his attitude, courage or spirit, and him ever daring to break all moulds, he has been a constant source of inspiration, all through the show.
In fact, I see a bit of me in him. And, I am not talking about looks here.
Mohit is blessed with natural good looks, especially his smile is what draws him most to his fans, and he surely has a huge fan-following.
But he has his enemies and critics too, the former from amongst his fellow aspirants on the show, and the latter from the shallow-minded morons among the viewers.
When Mohit did the nude stunt, posing for the portrait artist in Brazil, baring himself fully on stage on front of an auditorium full of people, he really won my heart.
It was obviously difficult for him (as well as Suchit) to shed inhibitions (along with the clothes), yet he carried himself with elan, the petty comments made about his not being so well-endowed notwithstanding.
I admit, Mohit wasn't always the best in terms of performing the gruesome tasks on the show, and he bungled many a time, yet no one can deny that he tried to give his best to each task.
He was lucky so many times during the vote-outs that the fact alienated his co-competitors from him, but Mohit remained unfazed.
People on the show called him all sorts of names, some even stooped unbelievably low just being unable to bear the competition posed by Mohit.
Few had expected him to make it to the final. It was unbelievable for his naysayers that Mohit could make it to the top 4, then to the top 3, and finally emerge as the first runner-up.
For me, and all those viewers, who stood by him, Mohit is the true winner, regardless of the actual finale ranking.
I salute the spirit of this dude. Here's wishing Mohit Saggar the very best in life, life, after all, is the ultimate and 'real' reality show for us all.